On Saturday 5th August (Thursday Evening 3rd August for 9's), thousands of netball players across the country will take to the court for their winter competitions.
At the same time in Cape Town, the Origin Australian Diamonds will be preparing to compete in the final stages of the 2023 Netball World Cup.
Netball Australia is declaring 5th August 'Diamond Day' - a day to show your national netball pride and play your local game with a touch of green and gold, in support of the Origin Australian Diamonds.
WHEN: All day, Saturday 5th August and Thursday Evening 3rd August for 9's
WHO: All netballers and netball fans.
WHERE: Netball courts across the nation – from Mirrabooka to Maroochydore and everywhere in between.
WHAT: Wear a touch of green and gold! Think hair ribbons, nail polish (on short nails) scrunchies, socks or face paint. There are no rules or restrictions to get involved.
Share your green and gold across social media tagging @aussiediamonds and #unfinishedbusiness to show the team your support!
