Cannon Road Netball Courts, South Turramurra
Event Time - First game 9am, approximate finish around 1pm
Entry Closing Date: Friday 2nd August at 5.00pm
Participating ages: 10- and 11-year-old teams
Entry Fees: $35 per team (including GST)
Umpires: Games will be umpiring your own
The draw will be available at the complex on the day (approx. 3-4 games of 2x10, or 9min halves). No information will be sent prior to the day.
Our canteen, coffee and BBQ will be running on the day for purchasing food and drink.
Teams from KNA will be asked to provide volunteers to assist with running the day.
Please note the entry fee is non-refundable unless ten (10) days’ notice is given prior to the gala day. In case of cancellation due to unplayable conditions entry fees will be refunded.
Wet Weather: You will find wet weather information on our website www.kna.com.au or our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/kuringgainetballassoc