About NTNC
NTNC provides competitive and social netball opportunities for all participants who want to play, umpire or coach, and welcome all ages and levels of experience and ability. We play at a variety of locations within Kuring-gai across a range of different competitions. Canoon Road in South Turramurra and Lofberg Rd in Pymble commonly host both Winter and Spring/Summer competitions for the Kuring-gai Netball Association, of which NTNC is a part.
NTNC is run by a passionate and dedicated Committee with 9 members presiding over approximately 150 club members, each bringing a variety of skills and experience to the Club. Our committee proactively practices the club philosophy, which means we aim to make a difference to the lives of all those involved with it, be they players, coaches, managers, umpires, volunteers, parents, sponsors or the broader community. NTNC has a number of innovative programs and member benefits that add value to all club members.
What programs do we offer?
Woolworths NetSetGO is netball’s official starter program for kids aged 6 to 10 years. A chance to learn the netty basics, Woolworths NetSetGO helps kids gain confidence, get active and make friends in a safe and inclusive environment.
Juniors 10 - 12 years - We offer KNA Summer, Winter and Spring Competitions. We provide optional development pathways via the "NTNC Academy" which allows netball rising stars to be guided under professional coaching programs.
Inters 13-15 years - We offer KNA Summer, Winter and Spring Competitions. We provide optional future focused development pathways via the "NTNC Academy" which tracks and develops players via the Netball NSW Strive coaching programs.
Seniors - 16 years + - Ladies and mixed competitions in KNA Summer, Winter and Spring Competitions.
Holiday and specialist Clinics - We offer holiday NetSetGo, social and NTNC Academy Clinics at various locations throughout the year. All clinics can be found on the events section of our website.
The NTNC Academy - Full Details Here That's a Wrap! The 2024 Add Style NTNC Academy with Sam Winders
When and where do we train?
NTNC Training is held on Monday Evening's with 2024 scheduled below:
Training Starts Mon 10th Feb, Academy Starts Mon 25th Feb.
@ Canoon Road Netball Courts - Courts No 1-4
NetSetGO 6-9 years - 5-6pm - Court 3 & 4
NetSetGO NTNC Academy - 6-6.30pm Court 4
Juniors 10-12 years 5-6pm Court 1 & 2
Juniors NTNC Academy 6-6.30pm Court 2
Inters and Cadets 6-7pm Court 1 & 3
Inters and Cadets NTNC Academy 7-7.30pm Court 1
Seniors Court Available 7-8pm
Training finishes Monday 25th Aug unless your team is in the finals.
How do we train?
Our club values
friendship, community spirit, teamwork and respect to all members – from volunteers to our umpires and parents. NTNC is passionate about fostering friendships and creating an inclusive and fun environment for anyone who loves netball. From NetSetGO in the early school years right through to seasoned senior players, we aim to support our diverse community through squad training programs, the NTNC Academy and our extensive coaching and umpiring specialist resources. Our club strives to support each individual community member regardless of their age, skill level and netball aspirations.
What courts do we train and play at?

North Turramurra Netball Club Incorporated - Incorporation Number INC9877080 Registered in 2022
ABN 70386699809